As Liberty Baptist Church is able to open up more of our activities, we will post those updates here, with the most recent appearing at the top. As always, feel free to contact the church staff at or (816) 781-1234 for further details.

March 15 Updates

Beginning Sunday, March 21, we are removing the Red and Blue week rotation and encouraging all of our members to join us every single week for worship!

Why We’re Making This Shift

There are a few reasons why we’re making this change, and we want to encourage you and your family to recover the habit of participating in worship every Sunday. While we are saddened that some cannot join us at this time because of legitimate health reasons, we look forward to their physical presence with us in the near future. But for everyone else, here are three reasons to start attending worship every Sunday beginning March 21. 

  1. You’ll be participating in God’s primary design for your spiritual well-being.

    God created you to worship him. That is the primary reason you exist. Scripture tells us that you were redeemed so that “you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light”.

    Participating in worship every Sunday not only fulfills your purpose in life, but it is also God’s means of strengthening, encouraging, and helping your soul as you sojourn towards heaven. When we gather every Sunday, we are reminded of God’s goodness, mercy, and promises. The Scripture we hear, the songs we sing, and the fellowship we enjoy encourage and strengthen our weary and sinful hearts.

  2. You’ll be walking in obedience to God.  

    Christians for thousands of years have set apart the first day of the week to worship Jesus and to celebrate his gospel. One of the reasons the church has always done this is because the resurrection is real AND it is an act of obedience. 

    Hebrews 10 is a command for the church to gather for worship every single Lord’s Day. This is what the Holy Spirit says to us: “let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some…”. Unfortunately, this pandemic has caused us to get out of the habit of meeting with the Lord’s people on the Lord’s Day to worship our risen Lord. And we want to put an end to that.

  3. You’ll be making a statement about the worth of God.

    The things we spend our time on shows what we really value, and those people closest to us see this, especially our children. In addition to the spiritual benefit to ourselves and obedience to God, one of the reasons we should participate in worship every Sunday is because it communicates to our children the worth and value of our God.

    Our children don’t always learn what we teach them, but they always learn what we’re excited about and what we spend our time on. Attending worship every week communicates to our little ones that God is valuable and worthy of our praise.

Details of the Shift

Beginning Sunday March 21, we will be eliminating the rotation of Red and Blue weeks. You no longer have to remember which week to attend. If it’s a Sunday, we want you to join us for worship!

We will continue to have two services, one at 9:15am and another at 11am. We do ask that you continue attending the service time that you have been attending if possible. This will help keep both services evenly spaced.

Overflow Rooms

Due to this change, the chances of you worshipping in the Overflow Room has just increased significantly. We know this is not ideal, but given the space resources we have available, it is the situation we are in. Please keep a few things in mind:

(1) Remember the reasons for participating in worship: it’s spiritually beneficial; it’s an act of obedience; it communicates the worth of God.

(2) This is why have purchased the new land and are working towards building a new facility. If or when you become frustrated about our lack of space, cultivate a prayer attitude by praying for and giving towards our future expansion efforts.

(3) During the month of February, we have made some much-needed improvements to our building, so we now have several updated overflow spaces available. Each space has a specific purpose in mind, so please find the overflow space that fits your needs and participate in worship from there by viewing the livestream:

  • Mothers’ Room: The Mothers’ Room is located outside the sanctuary opposite the upstairs restroom. This space is intended for mothers to feed, change, and care for their babies before returning to the sanctuary or another overflow room for worship.*

  • Cry Room: The Cry Room is located down the stairs from the lobby in The Book Room. This space is intended for any parent to comfort, care for, or discipline children before returning to the sanctuary or another overflow room for worship.*

  • Family Room: The Family Room is located upstairs in the Children’s Wing in Room 200-202. This space is intended for any families who know their children may need room to move and wiggle to worship together with their children for the duration of the worship service. Please note that this room may be noisier than others!

  • Overflow Room: The Overflow Room is located downstairs in the Fellowship Hall. This space is intended for anyone for the duration of the worship service.

  • Secondary Overflow Room: The Secondary Overflow Room is located downstairs in the Liberty Students room behind the kitchen. This space is intended for anyone for the duration of the worship service and should be used once the Overflow Room has reached capacity.

*These rooms are meant to be temporary spaces, where people move in and out but do not stay for the duration of the worship service unless necessary.

(4) If you'd like to increase your chances that you'll be in the sanctuary rather than one of the overflow rooms, we encourage you to arrive early for worship.

Thank you for being such a flexible, sacrificing, and gracious church. We love you and hope to see you this Sunday and every Lord’s Day to follow!