By: Kaden Classen

And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.
Colossians 1:17

The last twelve months have been filled with broken things. Broken budgets, broken bodies, broken relationships, broken souls. And when faced with the sheer number of things that seem to be fraying and fracturing, we’re tempted to think that God has lost His grip. On creation. On suffering. On us. This year has left me longing for a reminder that God is still on the throne. That He is still one hundred percent for me. That He still holds all things together. The baby in the manger is that reminder. However unique the 2020 advent season is, one thing always stays the same: Jesus Christ holds all things together. Reflect with me on that truth.

The highest King sits enthroned in heaven, 

Rich beyond measure. Beautiful beyond description. Good beyond compare. 

Perfectly sovereign,

He keeps all things in existence. Mountains bow before Him. The earth trembles at His majesty. The most powerful king in history is but a pawn in His hand. 

This King does not need us. He does not lack anything. 

He is life in and of itself.



This King desired to rescue the very people who spit in His face and rebelled against Him. 

Born of a virgin, He took on human flesh, and came to earth as an infant.

God the Son, a baby named Jesus Christ.

Yet even as a newborn, He does not cease to hold all things together.

Though He could not clothe Himself, He clothed the world in its beauty.

Though He could not feed Himself, He supplied the lions their feast.

Though He could not walk, He kept the earth spinning around the sun.

The babe in the manger was the very one keeping that manger in existence.


How this works is a mystery,

            Far beyond what I can understand.

But Christ sustains all things,

            In the present,

            And from eternity past.

Though He stooped to dwell with the creatures He created,

            He never abandoned His rule over them.


The infant Christ sustains all things.


Let that sit for a moment. 

Marvel at the majesty of this baby. 

And let that majesty bring you to trust. 

He is no longer a baby;

He is sitting on the throne at the right hand of the Father.


And if God the Son incarnate never ceased to hold everything together, even as an infant, He certainly has not ceased to do so now. 

The cancer diagnosis, the miscarriage, the failed adoption, the depression. 

These things are not beyond His loving rule.

Your world may feel like it is falling apart, but it is being held together by the very God who came to earth and took on human flesh.

But the baby does not just hold us.


Not content to merely sustain us, Christ became a baby to save us.

The God whose majesty outshines the sun hung naked on a cross and took the wrath of God for you and me.

And even then, bloody and dying, He never ceased to sustain all things.

The infant Christ holds all things together. And He holds you. 

He held you then, long before you were even a twinkle in your mother’s eye. 

And He holds you now. 

Trust Him.