By: Pastor David

This Friday (March 30) at 6:30pm, Liberty Baptist Church will once again be celebrating Good Friday together. Seven of our members will be preaching for seven minutes each on one of the seven sayings of Christ from the cross.

You don’t have to look far to find a half-dozen blogs on the subject of Good Friday and why it’s worth celebrating, so I won’t attempt to recreate them here. Instead, I’d like to take a moment to give you two good reasons why you should celebrate Good Friday this year with your church family.

It will remind you of the seriousness of your sin.

Historically, part of the reason the church has stopped to remember Good Friday is to cause us to take a good, long look at the crucifixion in all its horror. Together, we take a sobering look at the ugliness of sin and the price that Christ paid on our behalf to make atonement for it.

It will refresh you in the love of your Savior.

We not only see the ugliness of sin when we look at the cross, we also can’t help but behold the breathtaking love of our Lord. Only love could have compelled him to that judgment tree, and on Good Friday, we are restored in a deep knowledge of the lengths to which Christ went to save His people.

Good Friday is one of my favorite days in the church calendar, and not just because it’s often the best singing of the year! This is a unique chance to stand next to your brothers and sisters in Christ and behold Jesus at his most glorious. I hope you’ll join us.